About Me

kitahtëne (Glacier National Park)

How are you?

My name is Bridget Kimsey of both Lenape and Irish descent. I have my roots and beginnings in learning and working with my Native elders, as a registered member of the Delaware Tribe of Indians (Lenape). I have been working inside of Global Indigenous Methods and Western Scientific Methods for 30 years- in the fields of healthcare, research, writing, policy, and security. My training runs along the spectrum of human health, biology, chemistry, engineering, and physics.

I work closely with the scientific community, medical community, and other communities on differing cases and projects. I am interdimensioned and work in the third and fourth dimensions in all of my work. I am a published author with books that describe my experience on differing topics and how they bridge into dominant modern held scientific findings. 

I have an undergraduate degree in science, technology, engineering, and math. I am currently working on a master’s degree in science in space studies with a concentration in astronomy/physics. I will then pursue a PhD in physics or artificial intelligence. My professional goals are to continue to research and write in finding different ways of knowing in science, creation, and the nature of reality; to continue to teach and work on projects- including patient care.

I currently enjoy my post as a Solar System Ambassador for NASA/JPL, researcher on an exoplanet research team, teaching at the University of Vermont, my studies, and my own primary and secondary research and writing.

Wishing you well and be in touch- Bridget

tùkwsitàk (wolf clan)