About Me

kitahtëne (Glacier National Park)

How are you?

My name is Bridget Kimsey of both Lenape and Irish descent. I have my roots and beginnings in learning and working with mine and relative Native elders, as a registered member of the Delaware Tribe of Indians (Lenape). I have been working inside of Global Indigenous Methods and Western Scientific Methods for 30 years- in the fields of healthcare, research, writing, policy, and security. My training runs along the spectrum of human health, biology, chemistry, engineering, and physics.

I work closely with the scientific community, medical community, and other communities on differing cases and projects. I am interdimensioned and work as such in all of my work. I am a published author with books that describe my experience on differing topics and how they bridge into dominant modern held scientific findings. 

I have an undergraduate degree in science, technology, engineering, and math. I have a master’s degree in science in space studies with a concentration in astronomy/physics. I am currently pursuing a PhD in artificial intelligence, specifically focusing on- the base, architecting of hybrid intelligence that is learned and crafted from and for the Earth, species of, ecosystems here and off the Earth; ideas based in human animal neuroscience on coding and implementation; realistic use and value/not value in current time and for different industries and cultures; scaffolding protocol in alignment and harmony for ecosystems (inclusive of all in nature, including modern human animal built structures, tools, and systems) intertwined; patch work and creation of patches on systems in operation; etc. I am informed heavily by my work in patient care and research from multiple lineages, specifically inside of oncology. My professional goals are to continue to research and write in finding different ways of knowing in science, creation, and the nature of reality; to continue to teach and work on projects- including patient care.

I currently enjoy my post as a Solar System Ambassador for NASA/JPL, researcher on an exoplanet research team, researcher on a team studying the impact of Covid-19 on remote Native tribes in North America, teaching at the University of Vermont, my studies, and my own primary and secondary research and writing.

Wishing you well and be in touch- Bridget

tùkwsitàk (wolf clan)